Meet the Team

Friendly, helpful and professional. That describes everyone at Simpex.

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Our Birmingham team

Our Leeds team

Our Story

Simpex was born from a belief that freight transport could be better, if done properly.

Our Story

Simpex was born from a belief that freight transport could be better, if done properly.

3 reasons to choose Simpex

When you work with us you’ll always get great customer service from someone who cares.

3 reasons to choose Simpex

When you work with us you’ll always get great customer service from someone who cares.

3 reasons to choose Simpex

Our planning intelligence sets us apart from others. We make experienced decisions leading to reliable outcomes.

3 reasons to choose Simpex

Our planning intelligence sets us apart from others. We make experienced decisions leading to reliable outcomes.

3 reasons to choose Simpex

Effective communication underpins everything we do. You can expect us to be responsive and detailed at all times.

3 reasons to choose Simpex

Effective communication underpins everything we do. You can expect us to be responsive and detailed at all times.

Simon Beechener


Managing Director

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