What’s the most interesting or surprising thing you’ve ever transported?
There have been many. A pink jet ski between Greece and Sardinia, instruments for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to Lithuania but the most interesting would have to be the Banksy artwork ‘Mobile Lovers’ that we moved from the UK to its buyer in Switzerland. Yet when we arrived to deliver, the buyer had gone on holiday for 3 days so we ended up having to deliver into local storage until their return! The sale funded a Bristol Youth Club which is a ‘feelgood’ part of the story too.
What was the most challenging thing you’ve ever transported / most challenging circumstance?
Making 35 collections from various parts of Italy with a deadline in the UK the following day. It involved 8 vans with vehicle swaps in France on the way back to prevent the need for anything stopping. It was a high-pressure project with an event relying on our performance. Thankfully the planning paid off and everything was delivered on time.
What has been your favourite moment when helping a client?
I would have to reflect on a meeting at an exhibition with a potential client where I was able to solve their stock availability issues in the UK with our express service. Giving a quote immediately on the stand and making a great impression overall quickly led to a trial shipment and this has developed into an average of 24 van bookings per month since 2015.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
My main passion is for sports, both playing and watching, though I’ve recently become fascinated by chess and spend an unhealthy amount of time trying to improve.